Week 7, 8

Fu Simplification

In the early part of the week 7 was thinking and working on design decisions. I want the code to be very modular so that it could be easily extended by people other than me. This came up in a meeting with Matthew and I want the solvers to be like the Fu simplification explained by Matthew in this Scipy Talk. The idea was that we can see solving an equation as series of transformations. If we have a lot of small transformations such that the input type is same as output type, and some notion of what makes a "better" output we can search though the list of transformations running one on top of other. I also posted about it on the mailing list which brought out some flaws in the preliminary design. The idea is pretty crude in the current stage and I'll have to look deeper into it, but not now.

I also discussed about the implementing a pattern dispached based solver suggested by F.B on the mailing list. But we decided that it will be better if we finish the equation solver by the current technique first.

Intersection with S.Reals

I decribed in the last post that one way to solve trigonometric equation is rewriting them in terms of \( exp \). But that is \( exp \) in the complex domain and the solution of \(exp(x) = a \) is \( \left\{i \left(2 \pi n + \arg{\left (a \right )}\right) + \log{\left (\left\lvert{a}\right\rvert \right )}\; |\; n \in \mathbb{Z}\right\} \). Hence we have to filter out real solutions from the obtained solutions. The filering is equivalent to the intersection of the solutions with the \( \mathbb{R} \) set. Suppose \( g(x) \) and \( h(x) \) are real valued functions and we have to perform $$ \mathbb{R} \cap \left\{g{\left (n \right )} + i h{\left (n \right )}\; |\; n \in \mathbb{Z}\right\} $$ then the answer will be simply $$ \left\{g{\left (n \right )}\; |\; n \in \left\{h{\left (n \right )} = 0\; |\; n \in \mathbb{Z}\right\}\right\} $$

Separate the real and imaginary parts and equate the imaginary to zero but the problem was with the assumptions on the symbols. For example while separating real and imaginary parts of the equation.

In[]: (n + I*n).as_imag_real()
Out[]:(re(n) - im(n), re(n) + im(n))

That is because n is by default complex, even in the Lambda(..).expr. I wrote some code to decide the assumption on the variable of imageset from the baseset. See PR 7694. There was another issue that needs to be resolved S.Integers.intersect(S.Reals) doesn't evaluate to S.Reals.

LambertW and Multivariate Solvers

The method to solve equation containing exp and log function is using the LambertW function. LambertW function is the inverse of \( x \exp(x) \). The function is multivariate function both for the real and complex domains and Sympy has only one branch implemented. This also leads us to loss of solutions. Aaron gave an example here. But I'm pretty unfamiliar with solving by LambertW and LambertW itself and it will take me some time to build an understanding of them. As an ad hoc solution I'm using the code in the _tsolve in the solvers.solvers module to do at least what the current solvers can do.

When the importing of _tsolve method was done. I started working on the multivariate solvers. Here's how the current multivariate solvers work:

Solving single multivariate equation

  1. count the number of free symbols in f - no of symbols for equation. If the equation has exactly one symbol which is not asked for then use solve_undetermined_coeffs, the solve_undetermined_coeffs find the values of the coefficient in a univariate polynomial such that it always equates to zero.

  2. Then for each symbol solve_linear is tried which tries to find a solution of that symbol in terms of constants or other symbols, the docstring says

    No simplification is done to f other than and mul=True expansion,
    so the solution will correspond strictly to a unique solution.

So we don't have to worry about loosing a solution. For every symbol it is checked if doesn't depend on previously solved symbols, if it does that solution is discarded.

  1. For the symbols for which the above method failed, the _solve function is called for the equation for that variable and as above if the solution contains a variable already solved then that solution is discarded.

System of equations in multiple variables

generated by embellish on 22 Apr 2015